嵌入式分析 SDK - 配置

⚠️ 此功能为 Beta 版。欢迎试用,但请注意,功能可能会发生变化(并且可能无法按预期工作)。

嵌入式分析 SDK 仅在 ProEnterprise 计划(自托管和 Metabase 云)中可用。但是,您可以使用 API 密钥验证嵌入,在本地计算机上试用 SDK,而无需许可证。

要在您的应用中使用 SDK,您需要导入 MetabaseProvider 组件,并为其提供 authConfig 对象,如下所示

const authConfig = defineMetabaseAuthConfig({
  metabaseInstanceUrl: "https://metabase.example.com", // Required: Your Metabase instance URL
  authProviderUri: "https://app.example.com/sso/metabase", // Required: An endpoint in your app that signs the user in and returns a session

export default function App() {
  return (
    <MetabaseProvider authConfig={authConfig} theme={theme} className="optional-class">
      Hello World!

您还可以将其他 props 传递给 MetabaseProvider

  • authConfig(必需)。定义如何使用 Metabase 进行身份验证。
  • theme(可选)请参阅外观
  • pluginsConfig(可选)。请参阅插件
  • eventHandlers(可选)。请参阅全局事件处理程序
  • className(可选)。要添加到包装器元素的类。
  • locale(可选)。定义显示语言。接受 ISO 语言代码,例如 ende
  • loaderComponent(可选)。 SDK 加载时要显示的自定义加载器组件。
  • errorComponent(可选)。 SDK 遇到错误时要显示的自定义错误组件。
  • allowConsoleLog(可选)。如果为 true,则日志消息将打印到控制台。

传递给 MetabaseProviderconfig 对象示例

import React from "react";
import {
} from "@metabase/embedding-sdk-react";

// Configure authentication
const authConfig = defineMetabaseAuthConfig({
  metabaseInstanceUrl: "https://metabase.example.com", // Required: Your Metabase instance URL
  authProviderUri: "https://app.example.com/sso/metabase", // Required: An endpoint in your app that signs the user in and returns a session

// See the "Customizing appearance" section for more information
const theme = defineMetabaseTheme({
  // Optional: Specify a font to use from the set of fonts supported by Metabase
  fontFamily: "Lato",

  // Optional: Match your application's color scheme
  colors: {
    brand: "#9B5966",
    "text-primary": "#4C5773",
    "text-secondary": "#696E7B",
    "text-tertiary": "#949AAB",

export default function App() {
  return (
    <MetabaseProvider authConfig={authConfig} theme={theme} className="optional-class">
      Hello World!


MetabaseProvider 也支持 eventHandlers


  • onDashboardLoad?: (dashboard: Dashboard | null) => void;。当仪表盘加载所有可见卡片及其内容时触发
  • onDashboardLoadWithoutCards?: (dashboard: Dashboard | null) => void;。仪表盘加载后触发,但不包含卡片(在此阶段,仅呈现仪表盘标题、选项卡和卡片网格,但卡片的内容尚未加载)。
const handleDashboardLoad: SdkDashboardLoadEvent = dashboard => {
  /* do whatever you need to do - e.g. send analytics events, show notifications */

const eventHandlers = {
  onDashboardLoad: handleDashboardLoad,
  onDashboardLoadWithoutCards: handleDashboardLoad,

return (
  <MetabaseProvider authConfig={authConfig} eventHandlers={eventHandlers}>

重新加载 Metabase 组件

如果您需要重新加载 Metabase 组件,例如,您的用户修改了您的应用程序数据,并且该数据用于在 Metabase 中呈现问题。如果您嵌入了此问题并希望强制 Metabase 重新加载该问题以显示最新数据,您可以使用 key prop 来强制组件重新加载。

// Inside your application component
const [data, setData] = useState({});
// This is used to force reloading Metabase components
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);

// This ensures we only change the `data` reference when it's actually changed
const handleDataChange = newData => {
  setData(prevData => {
    if (isEqual(prevData, newData)) {
      return prevData;

    return newData;

useEffect(() => {
   * When you set `data` as the `useEffect` hook's dependency, it will trigger the effect
   * and increment the counter which is used in a Metabase component's `key` prop, forcing it to reload.
  if (data) {
    setCounter(counter => counter + 1);
}, [data]);

return <InteractiveQuestion key={counter} questionId={yourQuestionId} />;

阅读其他Metabase 版本的文档。